Able Innovations
My current role is Engineering Manager for Able Innovations where we are developing a robotic medical device that will perform automatic lateral patient transfer from one surface to another. I lead an interdisciplinary team of mechanical, software and hardware specialists to design and build this product and gearing up for product launch.
Website: www.ableinnovations.ca
At Fibos I was the Senior Technical Lead working on a joint technology development program between Fibos and GE Aviation. The project was funded through the Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) program with an objective to design and develop a dynamic pressure transducer, capable of operation at 1000°C, for the purpose of reducing gas turbine fuel consumption.
Website: www.fibos.ca
Comtek Advanced Structures
As a Technical Lead at Comtek, I worked on two main projects. The first was the Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) for the Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft cabin interior floor panels. The second was the development of a novel pressable prepreg material that allowed for higher volume production of near net shape composite structures and parts.
Website: www.comtekadvanced.com
Shawcor Canusa-CPS
At Canusa-CPS (a former subsidiary of Shawcor) I worked on the development of advanced field automation equipment called the Intelli series. One machine called the IntelliCOAT was a field automated system that allowed for factory grade application of coatings and shrink tubing. The other machine was the IntelliFUSE which is an electrofusion welder for joining the casings of pre-insulated pipes in the field.
Website: www.canusacps.com
Morgan Solar
At Morgan Solar, I held two distinct positions. The first was as a Mechanical Designer working on the development of a dual axis solar tracker. My focus was on testing and validation of the product for commercial launch. My second position was as a Product Engineering Manager. This role focused on the design and manufacturing process for a high efficiency solar module.
Website: www.morgansolar.com
mySpark Technologies
mySpark was a startup tech company that was developing an Android based tablet to replace textbooks in schools and Universities. I was hired as the companies first Mechanical Designer. My role focused on the integration of the hardware electronics into the industrial mechanical design of the device.